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Pajon A, Chiovetto E, Monaghan C, Giese MA, Kheddar A.  2016.  Adaptation of walking ground reaction forces to changes in ground stiffness properties. 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob).
Sperber C, Christensen A, Ilg W, Giese MA, Karnath H-O.  2018.  Apraxia of object-related action does not depend on visual feedback. Cortex. 99:103––117.
Fedorov L, Vangeneugden J, Giese MA.  2016.  Neural Model for the Influence of Shading on the Multistability of the Perception of Body Motion. Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence.