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Conference Paper
Azad M., Babic J., Mistry M.  2017.  Dynamic Manipulability of the Center of Mass: A Tool to Study, Analyse and Measure Physical Ability of Robots. Proc. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Salehian SSina Mirra, Fernandez NBarbara Fi, Billard A.  2018.  Dynamical System-based Motion Planning for Multi-Arm Systems: Reaching for moving objects. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Dehio N, Steil JJ.  2019.  Dynamically-consistent Generalized Hierarchical Control. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation.
Journal Article
Rinne P, Mace M, Nakornchai T, Zimmerman K, Fayer S, Sharma P, Liardon J-L, Burdet E, Bentley P.  2016.  Democratizing Neurorehabilitation: How Accessible are Low-Cost Mobile-Gaming Technologies for Self-Rehabilitation of Arm Disability in Stroke? PLOS ONE. 11
Taubert N., Li J., Endres D., Giese M.A.  2015.  Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision.
Martino G., Ivanenko Y., Serrao M., Ranavolo A., Draicchio F., Rinaldi M., Casali C., Lacquaniti F..  2017.  Differential changes in the spinal segmental locomotor output in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Clinical Neurophysiology. 129:516–525.
Monache SDelle, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G.  2017.  Differential contributions to the interception of occluded ballistic trajectories by the temporoparietal junction, area hMT/V5, and the intraparietal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 118:1809–1823.
Li Y., Carboni G., Gonzalez F., Campolo D., Burdet E..  2019.  Differential game theory for versatile physical human–robot interaction. Nature Machine Intelligence. 1:36–43.
Wigand DLeroy, Nordmann A, Dehio N, Mistry M, Wrede S.  2017.  Domain-Specific Language Modularization Scheme Applied to a Multi-Arm Robotics Use-Case. Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics. 8:45–64.
Catavitello G, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F, Viviani P.  2016.  Drawing ellipses in water: evidence for dynamic constraints in the relation between velocity and path curvature. Exp Brain Res.
Wang C, Xiao Y, Burdet E, Gordon J, Schweighofer N.  2016.  The duration of reaching movement is longer than predicted by minimum variance. Journal of Neurophysiology. 116:2342–2345.
Wang C, Xiao Y, Burdet E, Gordon J, Schweighofer N.  2016.  The duration of reaching movement is longer than predicted by minimum variance. Journal of neurophysiology. 116:2342–2345.
Salehian S.S.Mirrazavi, Khoramshahi M., Billard A..  2016.  A Dynamical System Approach for Catching Softly a Flying Object: Theory and Experiment. IEEE Transaction on Robotics.