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Journal Article
Sperber C, Christensen A, Ilg W, Giese MA, Karnath H-O.  2018.  Apraxia of object-related action does not depend on visual feedback. Cortex. 99:103–117.
Sperber C, Christensen A, Ilg W, Giese MA, Karnath H-O.  2018.  Apraxia of object-related action does not depend on visual feedback. Cortex. 99:103––117.
Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko YP, Zago M.  2016.  Are we ready to move beyond the reductionist approach of classical synergy control?: Comment on" Hand synergies: Integration of robotics and neuroscience for understanding the control of biological and artificial hands" by Marco Santello et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 17:38.
Cappellini G, Sylos-Labini F, MacLellan MJ, Sacco A, Morelli D, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y.  2018.  Backward walking highlights gait asymmetries in children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Neurophysiology. 119:1153–1165.
Ludolph N, Ernst TM, Mueller OM, Goericke SL, Giese MA, Timmann D, Ilg W.  2019.  Cerebellar involvement in learning to balance a cart-pole system. bioRxiv; 10.1101/586990.
Sylos-Labini F, Magnani S, Cappellini G, La Scaleia V, Fabiano A, Picone S, Paolillo P, Di Paolo A, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y.  2017.  Corrigendum: Foot Placement Characteristics and Plantar Pressure Distribution Patterns during Stepping on Ground in Neonates. Frontiers in Physiology. 8:973.
Martino G., Ivanenko Y., Serrao M., Ranavolo A., Draicchio F., Rinaldi M., Casali C., Lacquaniti F..  2017.  Differential changes in the spinal segmental locomotor output in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Clinical Neurophysiology. 129:516–525.
Catavitello G, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F, Viviani P.  2016.  Drawing ellipses in water: evidence for dynamic constraints in the relation between velocity and path curvature. Exp Brain Res.
La Scaleia V, Ivanenko Y., Fabiano A., Sylos-Labini F., Cappellini G., Picone S., Paolillo P., Di Paolo A., Lacquaniti F..  2018.  Early manifestation of arm–leg coordination during stepping on a surface in human neonates. Experimental Brain Research. 236:1105–1115.
Sylos-Labini F., Magnani S., Cappellini G., La Scaleia V., Fabiano A., Picone S., Paolillo P., Di Paolo A., Lacquaniti F., Ivanenko Y..  2017.  Foot Placement Characteristics and Plantar Pressure Distribution Patterns during Stepping on Ground in Neonates. Frontiers in Physiology. 8
Lanini J, Razavi H, Urain J, Ijspeert A.  2018.  Human Intention Detection as a Multiclass Classification Problem: Application in Physical Human–Robot Interaction While Walking. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 3:4171–4178.
Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko YP, Labini FSylos, La Scaleia V, La Scaleia B, Willems PA, Zago M.  2017.  Human locomotion in hypogravity: from basic research to clinical applications. Frontiers in Physiology. 8:893.
Ivanenko Y, Gurfinkel VS.  2018.  Human Postural Control. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12
Sylos-Labini F, d'Avella A, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y.  2018.  Human-human interaction forces and interlimb coordination during side-by-side walking with hand contact. Frontiers in physiology. 9:179.
Cappellini G, Ivanenko YP, Martino G, MacLellan MJ, Sacco A, Morelli D, Lacquaniti F.  2016.  Immature Spinal Locomotor Output in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Physiology. 7
Ilg W, Fleszar Z, Schatton C, Hengel H, Harmuth F, Bauer P, Timmann D, Giese M, Schöls L, Synofzik M.  2016.  Individual changes in preclinical spinocerebellar ataxia identified via increased motor complexity. Movement Disorders. 31:1891–1900.
Schatton C, Synofzik M, Fleszar Z, Giese MA, Schöls L, Ilg W.  2017.  Individualized exergame training improves postural control in advanced degenerative spinocerebellar ataxia: A rater-blinded, intra-individually controlled trial. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 39:80–84.
Ludolph N, Giese MA, Ilg W.  2017.  Interacting Learning Processes during Skill Acquisition: Learning to control with gradually changing system dynamics. Scientific Reports. 7
Lanini J, Duburcq A, Razavi H, Le Goff CG, Ijspeert AJan.  2017.  Interactive locomotion: Investigation and modeling of physically-paired humans while walking. PLOS ONE. 12:1–25.
Dewolf AH, Ivanenko Y, Zelik KE, Lacquaniti F, Willems PA.  2018.  Kinematic patterns while walking on a slope at different speeds. Journal of Applied Physiology. 125:642–653.
Catavitello G, Ivanenko Y, Lacquaniti F.  2018.  A kinematic synergy for terrestrial locomotion shared by mammals and birds. eLife. 7
Ludolph N, Plöger J, Giese MA, Ilg W.  2017.  Motor expertise facilitates the accuracy of state extrapolation in perception. PLOS ONE. 12:e0187666.
Sylos-Labini F, Zago M, Guertin PA, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y.  2017.  Muscle Coordination and Locomotion in Humans. Curr Pharm Des. 23:1821–1833.
Martino G, Ivanenko YP, d'Avella A, Serrao M, Ranavolo A, Draicchio F, Cappellini G, Casali C, Lacquaniti F.  2015.  Neuromuscular adjustments of gait associated with unstable conditions. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Dewolf AH, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F, Willems PA.  2017.  Pendular energy transduction within the step during human walking on slopes at different speeds. PloS one. 12:e0186963.
